Spotlight on InterSystems Global Summit

Spotlight on InterSystems Global Summit

InterSystems Global Summit 2012 took place on March 18th – 21st at the Peabody Orlando in Orlando, Florida. InterSystems’ customers from 25 countries around the world attended one of the three conferences that comprise the Global Summit.

  • The Developer Conference included an expanded agenda of 54 hands-on InterSystems Academy sessions covering 31 topics, as well as 40 concurrent sessions, all focused on our advanced technologies for breakthrough applications.
  • The Executive Leadership Conference provided top executives of our Application Partners with practical information about strategic marketing, proven sales techniques, and a variety of other “run the business” activities.
  • The Healthcare Leadership Conference attracted executives from healthcare provider organizations to a series of discussions about breakthrough healthcare.

Keynote Sessions by InterSystems’ Executives Focus on Breakthrough Applications

In their keynote sessions, InterSystems Founder and CEO, Terry Ragon, and Vice President of Strategic Planning, Paul Grabscheid, talked about the need for developers to create breakthrough applications that transform the way people work. Paul offered examples of breakthrough applications developed by our partners that give users:

  • The information they want, when they want it and on whatever device they prefer to use
  • Easy access to all their data, both structured and unstructured
  • The ability to take actions based on real-time data

Next, Richard Currier, InterSystems Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, and Joe DeSantis, Vice President of Software Development, provided commentary on three customer stories that illustrated breakthroughs achieved by our application partners in opening new markets, revitalizing existing applications, and connecting healthcare. Joe DeSantis and fellow Vice President of Software Development, Robert Nagle, then demonstrated enhancements to our products designed to enable rapid development of breakthrough applications.

Click here to watch the keynote presentations

Click here to download the keynote presentation slides

Presentation on Mobile Opportunities and Challenges

Our guest speaker, Jason Grigsby, Vice President, Mobile and Web Strategist of Cloud Four, gave a general session presentation titled “Mobile Opportunities and Challenges.” He provided numerous examples of how mobile technology is changing the way people work and what that means for application developers.

Click here to watch the video of Jason Grigsby’s presentation

Sessions Available for Download

Slides and accompanying audio files of Global Summit sessions and academies are available for download.

Click here to download slides and audio files

Announcing the Developer Connection

At the Global Summit, we officially launched the InterSystems Developer Connection – a new Website that helps developers working with InterSystems’ products rapidly create and maintain breakthrough applications. It is your source for background information, FAQs, interviews, overviews, procedures, tips, and software downloads.

In the Developer Connection, you will also find several “Summit Spotlight” videos – interviews with our product managers that were recorded while we were in Orlando.

Click here to check out the Developer Connection

Save the Date

We are pleased to announce that that next year the Global Summit will again be held at the Peabody Orlando. Please save the date for:

InterSystems Global Summit 2013
April 7 – 10, 2013
Orlando, Florida

We are already planning for 2013. If you have any suggestions – for speakers, for topics, for activities – please send an email to Or, if you’d like to receive an alert when Summit information is available, register